How to Get Out of a Rut: 10 Actionable Ways to Break Free
Can Travel Really Help?
“Many people are in a rut and a rut is nothing but a grave - with both ends kicked out.”
Even a fire hydrant can get stuck in a rut!
Are you looking for Actionable Ways to Break Free From Being Stuck in a Rut? You’re in the right place! We've been there multiple times and with a few small changes, we have been able to incorporate new habits into our life that not only lifted us out of the rut, but also created a new sense of purpose. The good news is that taking small steps over time leads to big changes! Being stuck in a rut is typically situational and temporary.
What are the Signs You May Be Stuck In a Rut?
To truly know if you are in a mental rut or if you are merely having a bad week (or few weeks), take the time to answer a few questions. These questions align with the common signs of being in a rut and the typical indicators of stagnation and burnout, as defined by mental health professionals:
Do you feel like every day is the same, with little excitement or variety?
Are you struggling to find motivation for the small things you used to enjoy?
Do you feel tired, even after a full night's sleep?
Do you feel disconnected from friends, family members, or colleagues?
Are you frequently bored or restless, but unsure of what would make you feel better?
Do you feel stuck in your job, relationship, or routine, with no clear path forward?
Are you feeling more irritable, anxious, or sad without a clear reason why?
If you answered yes, to 4 or more of the questions, you are very likely to be in a rut. Fortunately, the first step to working your way out of a rut, is knowing if you are truly stuck in one.
If you answered yes, to 3 or less of the questions, you are most likely going through the normal ebbs and flows of life. Which means, this difficult period will likely pass very soon, so have patience and give yourself some grace.
While these questions may describe what a rut might feel like, even small ruts can be just as overwhelming, exhausting, and frustrating. We’ve all been there, and it’s more common than you might think. The key is to recognize the signs and take action before that rut becomes your new normal.
Let me paint a softer, more literal picture that you might be able to relate to...
It was a cold, gray weekday afternoon, and the subdivision outside was blanketed in a thick, muffling layer of snow. The doorbell rang with a sharp chime against the quiet of our home. When I opened the door, my former father-in-law stood there, his face a mix of frustration and embarrassment. Snow clung to his coat and his frosty breath filled the air.
“I’m stuck in the snow and need some help,” he said, his voice tinged with defeat.
He’d only left 15 minutes earlier after dropping off the kids. I assumed he was well on his way home, but instead, he had been battling an unforgiving stretch of road just down the street. His car had slipped into a deep, icy rut on a steep incline, the kind of trap that tightens its grip the more you struggle.
For a quarter of an hour, he had tried rocking the car, spinning the wheels, and shoveling snow. Each attempt only seemed to dig him deeper in the rut. Alone in the biting cold, he had finally made the long, trudging walk back to our door, leaving behind a car stuck and a pride fully wounded.
At some point, everyone experiences the feeling of being stuck. It’s part of life. As a family, we’ve successfully overcome many ruts in our professional and personal lives. From our personal experience, we’ve found that rather than letting it consume you, there are ways to break free and reignite your enthusiasm for the things that matter. We are sharing some actionable ways to help you get out of your rut.
True to our brand, we believe that travel can be a powerful tool to help you leverage your way out of your rut. For each actionable item, we share how travel can help.
How to Get Out of a Rut: 10 Actionable Ways to Break Free
Shake Up Your Routine:
Before making drastic changes, start small by tweaking your daily routine. Take a different route to work, try a new hobby, or change your workout schedule. These minor adjustments can have a big impact. While psychologists emphasize the benefits of a routine for better sleep and reduced anxiety, neurologists suggest that variety in your daily routine can boost brain activity and happiness. Find a balance between routine and variety that works for you and keep in mind that it can, and should, change over time.
How Travel Can Help: Travel is a powerful way to break the monotony. Whether it’s a short staycation, a quick weekend getaway with a family member, or an extended trip, stepping away from your usual surroundings offers a welcome reset that will inevitably shake up your routine. By default, you’ll be accepting some variety into your life, even if only for a day or two.
Set Small, Achievable, Specific Goals:
Feeling overwhelmed by big dreams? Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps! Achieving these milestones gives you a sense of accomplishment and keeps you motivated. Our journey to full-time travel took 5 years of planning and practice. We started by taking longer trips (beyond the usual 1-2 weeks) and gradually built up to 3 months before leaving our jobs and a home-base behind. Remember, just focus on the next step and positive things will begin to take shape.
How Travel Can Help: Travel is a natural teacher of goal-setting. From planning daily activities to navigating new things and places, every trip requires setting small necessary steps to achieve your ultimate goal. Something as simple as “acquire train tickets” can be considered a small step in the travel process. This practice builds confidence and can be applied to other areas of life. It's the little things that truly matter most.
Get Moving:
Physical activity is a proven mood booster and has a positive impact on your physical health. Whether it's a brisk walk, a vigorous workout session, or a refreshing outdoor adventure, exercise can make a big difference in your emotional and physical well-being. The benefits of outdoor activities are even greater, offering fresh air, vitamin D, and a natural boost to your immune system. During our 3 months in France, we were walking so much just while touring towns and exploring castles that we were fitter and lighter when we returned home (in spite of all the croissants, baguettes, and rich foods we splurged on.)
How Travel Can Help: Travel encourages movement and is a great way to improve your mood. Oftentimes, just by exploring new cities on foot, climbing the stairs, and wandering through museums you can quietly burn more calories than you’re eating. While engaging actively in your travel adventures you naturally integrate exercise into your routine, feeling more energized and positive in the process. The best part, every little bit of movement helps. Eating healthy food plus moving more will result in higher emotional health levels!
Connect with Others:
Human connection is vital. Your social life needs to be prioritized! Spend time with friends and family or meet new people. Communities that prioritize connection often see longer, healthier lives. Netflix has a great documentary—"Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones"—by author and explorer Dan Buettner. In this mini-series, based on his book of the same name, Buettner explores 5 communities around the world where the value placed on community and multi-generational families is improving the quality of life for each generation.
How Travel Can Help: Travel deepens connections with those in your travel party. Shared experiences create lasting bonds along with cherished memories. Travel also helps spur conversations and interactions with the people you meet along the way. Naturally, as you explore new places, the locals will be interested in you and your story, so don't be afraid to share a bit about yourselves and why you’ve chosen to travel.
Learn Something New:
Engage in a new activity or skill to reignite your curiosity. Learning fuels self-confidence and opens doors to new passions. I can personally attest to this. After years of pouring myself into my kids and family, I found a new purpose (and a new job) when we started our blog and I was able to share the things we’ve learned with others. As I started blogging, I learned a lot of new skills. This all brought back a sense of fulfillment and value.
How Travel Can Help: Travel broadens your horizons, pushing you out of your comfort zone and exposing you to new cultures, ideas, and perspectives. Take a cooking class, an art course, or employ a guide while you’re in a foreign country to dive deeper into new cultures. These activities can spark your passion for life and remind you of the endless possibilities the world has to offer. The most important thing to remember is that learning is a lifelong journey!
Declutter Your Space & Schedule:
Decluttering your physical space and schedule can have a transformative impact on your mental well-being. A clean, organized environment creates a sense of calm and control, allowing your mind to focus on what truly matters and allowing you to do your best work. When it comes to your calendar, prioritizing meaningful commitments and letting go of non-essential tasks can free up valuable time for activities that bring joy and inspiration. By making space, both physically and mentally, you invite new opportunities and a fresh perspective into your life.
How Travel Can Help: Travel teaches you the value of simplicity. When you’re on the move, carrying only the essentials, you learn to prioritize experiences over possessions. This minimalist mindset can translate into everyday life, helping you reduce the time and energy you spend on “stuff” and allowing you to focus on the activities, people, and good things that fill your tank.
Reflect, Reevaluate, & Relax:
When was the last time you took a long time to reflect on what's really bothering you? Journaling or talking to a trusted friend can help provide clarity. The first things you should reflect on are your career, relationships, and personal goals. Are you still on the path you intended or have you strayed?
A lot of people report a tremendous shift in thinking with this process. They let go of past experiences and focus on the future, which naturally leads them out of a rut. Also consider relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and massage therapy. These can reduce stress and anxiety, giving you a clearer picture of your specific actions to take. As stated earlier, this exercise often leads to the root cause of your being stuck in a rut.
How Travel Can Help: Travel provides a unique space for reflection. Writing on a plane, staring out a train window, or sitting quietly in nature, all provide space for reflection from the grind of day-to-day life. The new experiences and challenges you face while traveling remind you of your strengths and adaptability, helping you improve your confidence while rediscovering your sense of adventure. Exploring new places keeps you present and engaged, while the change of scenery promotes relaxation and boosts mental health.
Cultivate Self-Compassion:
Be kind to yourself! Everyone goes through ruts, and it’s okay to feel this way. Practicing self-compassion reduces stress and anxiety, making it easier to take proactive steps toward positive change. When in doubt, remember to treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer a friend. Your mental health is a priority!
How Travel Can Help: Travel helps you foster self-compassion by giving you space to reflect on your needs. New experiences shift your perspective, helping you embrace imperfections and celebrate your growth. You will inevitably make mistakes along the way. Think of these as opportunities to practice giving yourself grace as you learn and grow.
Help Someone (human or furry friend):
A simple way to get out of a rut is to develop a sense of purpose by helping others. You don't have to look far for ways to contribute to others' well-being: contribute to your community, participate in your church, volunteer with a local organization, or pet-sit for someone who needs time away. These activities provide you with a greater sense of purpose and are good for your mental health.
How Travel Can Help: Would you believe us if we told you that you could travel the world (or locally) and stay in cozy homes while spending time with cute pets? Yes, pet-sitting has numerous benefits to help you overcome your rut. Studies have shown that petting, taking care of, and talking to pets can reduce anxiety, lower stress, and even boost your immune system ScienceNewsExplores).
We can attest to these benefits, as we have had great success using TrustedHousesitters over the past year (in the U.S. and Europe) to combine our love of travel and pets.
What is TrustedHousesitters?
TrustedHousesitters is a unique platform that matches pet owners with those willing to pet-sit while traveling. This is an ideal solution for those who love animals and are open to taking care of someone’s pet(s) and home while also enjoying local cuisines, taking time to relax, and knowing you are helping alleviate fears of those leaving their pets at home. If you're looking for a way to help someone and cut costs while staying in a family-friendly home environment, TrustedHousesitters offers a fantastic solution. You get accommodation, usually in a fully equipped home/apartment, and in exchange, you care for the pet(s) and home during your stay.
You can browse pet-sits around your local community (or the world) for FREE before committing to a paid membership just by signing up for an account HERE.
Then, when you're ready, you can choose your annual plan depending on your needs. The annual subscription is extremely affordable. In fact, just one pet-sit will likely cover the annual fee. Use our discount code—UNCOMMON25—for a 25% discount on your first year!
Get Professional Help When it’s More Than Just a Rut:
Being stuck in a rut and depression share some common overlapping feelings, such as a lack of motivation, low energy, and a sense of stagnation, but they are fundamentally different. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of depression, it's important to reach out to a mental health professional for support.
Being stuck in a rut:
Typically situational and temporary
Often related to routine, boredom, or a lack of challenge
You may still experience joy and fulfillment in certain areas of life
Making changes to your routine, setting new goals, or taking a break can help you get unstuck
A clinical mental health condition that may require professional treatment
Involves persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
Can affect physical health, including sleep, appetite, and energy levels
May not improve without therapy, medication, or other intervention
How Travel Can Help: A therapist can guide you in using travel as a tool for positive change, helping you set goals and integrate the benefits of travel into your daily life for lasting improvements. Now, there are even options for virtual therapy sessions so you don’t have to be tied to one location.
Are You Ready to Take These 10 Actionable Steps to Break Free From a Rut?
Are you wondering whatever happened to my former father-in-law who was stuck in the snow?
It had taken him nearly 15 relentless minutes to dig that deep rut he couldn’t climb out of. Each attempt to free his car was met with the same result—spinning wheels and sinking hope. His repetitive strategy only burrowed him deeper into the snow, trapping him not just physically but mentally, too. The long, cold walk back to our house must have felt like a march of defeat, each step echoing his frustration and embarrassment.
When he finally stood at our front door, his face wore the weight of exhaustion and the sting of pride. Asking for help was not easy for him, and honestly, it’s not easy for any of us. But sometimes the hardest part of getting unstuck is admitting we can’t do it alone. Kevin and I grabbed a shovel, and in less than five minutes, with a fresh approach and a helpful push, he was back on the road.
His experience is a powerful reminder that when you’re stuck in a rut, doubling down on the same old tactics will only dig you deeper. Often, the breakthrough comes when you’re willing to ask for help and try something different. When you’re feeling stuck, shaking up your routine or taking a small step in a new direction can make all the difference!
What’s one new thing you can try this week to start climbing out of your rut? Help others by sharing your experience on getting out of a rut!
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