Become a Digital Nomad: Stepping Into the Unknown

How to Take the First Step Without Knowing the Next

The key to success is to start before you’re ready.
— Marie Forleo

Taking the brave 1st step toward becoming a digital nomad

The decision to become a digital nomad might feel like standing at the edge of your comfort zone; the air, heavy with the weight of a thousand unspoken fears. The ground beneath your feet feels uncertain, as if one wrong move could send you tumbling into an abyss of failure, regret, or worse—irrelevance. 

The unknown looms before you, dark and intimidating, whispering doubts that claw at your confidence. What if you fail? What if this isn’t the right path? 

The safety of the familiar beckons you to stay, to retreat to what you know. But deep down, something stirs—a quiet, insistent voice that refuses to be silenced. It tells you that beyond the shadows lies something more, something worth risking it all. So, you stand on the brink, heart racing, knowing that the only way forward is to take that first, terrifying step into the void.

Our Experience

Kevin has always been a “big picture” guy. He imagines huge goals and then just starts moving forward. On the other hand, I tend to get all “in the weeds,” imagining all the various scenarios and anticipating what might happen 2-3 steps down the road. 

To give you a visual image, We both see the mountain top that we want to reach. Kevin assumes that it is reachable, one way or another and just starts in that direction. I see the first step but feel uneasy when I can’t see a clear path leading to the goal. The balance between the two of us is good because he pushes me onto paths I would never take on my own (and, in the process, introduces me to amazing new experiences) and I keep him somewhat grounded so he’s forced to have some of the problem solving discussions earlier than what he might otherwise. 

If you’re like me and find it difficult to move forward when the path ahead is unclear, you might wonder how to get started. The answer may not be what you want to hear—but you have to keep moving. Even if the way forward isn’t obvious now, it will gradually reveal itself. Yes, you might encounter obstacles that force you to backtrack and find another route, but progress is essential to achieving your biggest dreams. I know it’s frustrating not to have all the answers, but staying still won’t get you where you want to go, and having someone else do it for you won’t teach you what you need to learn.

Stepping Into the Unknown

According to the MBO Partners 2024 Survey, over 65 million Americans expressed interest in becoming a digital nomad. However, it’s estimated that only 7-9% will actually follow through. Clearly, stepping into the unknown is a real and difficult action to take. 

We spent several years as “armchair” digital nomads before finally gathering the courage and knowledge to take the first step. Was it easy? No. Did we know everything before we set out on the path? No.

The truth is, you won't have all the answers before you start. And that's okay! Becoming a digital nomad isn't about having a perfectly laid-out plan; it's about embracing the unknown, taking that first step, and trusting that the path will unfold as you go. Here’s how you can begin your journey, even when the way forward seems unclear.

  1. Set Goals, But Stay Flexible

    Big dreams require big goals. Want to be a digital nomad? Start by setting specific, actionable goals. Maybe it’s saving a certain amount of money, building a portfolio of remote work clients, or learning a new language.

    But remember, flexibility is key. As you travel and learn, your goals might shift. You may discover new passions, encounter unexpected opportunities, or face challenges that require you to pivot. That’s all part of the journey.

    Stay focused on your overarching vision, but allow your path to be fluid. The destination might change, but stepping onto the path, even when it seems unclear, stretches your limits and provides the most memorable and fulfilling experiences.

  1. Practice Boldness in Small Ways

Being bold doesn’t mean you have to make drastic changes all at once. Boldness can be cultivated in small, everyday actions. Start by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone in manageable ways. Try a new activity, strike up a conversation with someone new, or spend a weekend in a nearby city you’ve never explored.

Kevin loves haunted houses! The rest of us - not as much. He loves the adrenaline rush that he gets from the jump scares and the building anticipation that gets your imagination racing. When one of our girls hesitates with nervous anxiety, or even fear, over entering a haunted house, or trying something new, he will remind them that fear and excitement come from the same place. 

The change in vocabulary can do a lot to reframe your thinking. Instead of saying “I’m scared to visit a foreign country where everything feels strange and confusing,” try saying “I’m so excited to learn about a new culture, eat new foods, and meet new people.” You’d be surprised at how quickly practicing a new way of thinking will change the way you approach new challenges in life. 

These small acts of bravery build your confidence and prepare you for bigger leaps. The more you practice, the more you’ll realize that you’re capable of handling whatever comes your way. And when it’s time to make the bigger leap—like quitting your job or moving to a new country—you’ll have the courage and self-assurance to do it.

So, what if you know what you want to do but you find yourself paralyzed when faced with taking the first step. Here are some strategies for getting yourself moving:

  • Focus on What You Can Control: Start by identifying the things you can control and take action on them. This shift from worrying about the unknown to actively solving problems can make all the difference. When we booked our first international trip, Covid restrictions were still in place all over the world and there was a lot of confusion. We chose France because we could easily understand and comply with the restrictions. Once we had our destination, we started to build our itinerary for an amazing 3 month adventure!

  • Deal with Your Emotions: Acknowledge your feelings of uncertainty and fear, but don’t let them paralyze you. Challenge the need for certainty by recognizing behaviors like seeking excessive reassurance, micromanaging, or procrastinating. These coping mechanisms may feel comforting but they can hold you back.

  • Learn to Accept Uncertainty: Identify what triggers your need for certainty, such as social media or stressful situations, and limit your exposure. When you feel the urge to seek certainty, be mindful of your physical cues and practice working through those feelings rather than avoiding them.

  • Let Go: Focus on the present and solvable issues. Accept that while you can’t prepare for every possible scenario, you can handle whatever comes your way. Letting go isn’t about giving up—it’s about moving forward with a flexible mindset.

  1. Learn to Be Comfortable with Uncertainty

One of the biggest hurdles in starting a digital nomad lifestyle is the uncertainty that comes with it. Where will you live? How will you earn enough to sustain your travels? What if something goes wrong?

Instead of letting these questions paralyze you, use them as fuel. The unknown isn’t something to fear; it’s a space filled with possibilities. Traveling teaches you this lesson in the most tangible way. When you’re on the road, plans change, things go wrong, and you have to adapt on the fly. But through those experiences, you learn to trust yourself, to be resourceful, and to find joy in the unexpected.

Progress is made one step at a time, even when the destination is unclear. Uncertainty isn’t the enemy—it’s a part of life. Learning to accept that not everything can be planned or predicted is a powerful mindset shift. It opens you up to the possibilities that uncertainty brings, rather than keeping you paralyzed by fear of the unknown.

Thomas Edison famously said "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Steven King’s work was rejected 30 times before he threw it out and almost walked away from his dream. His wife pulled the manuscript for Carrie out of the trash and encouraged him to keep working on it - a work that launched a career that would establish him as the “Master of Horror.” Marie Curie persevered in the male-dominated field of science and created technology that revolutionized medical science despite being told that the patent had to be put in her husband’s name instead of her own. These are all individuals who took massive steps without knowing where they’d land, and in doing so, they created something extraordinary!

The unknown is where growth happens. When you step out of your comfort zone and into uncertainty, you open yourself up to experiences that will shape you - and the lives of others - in ways you can’t even imagine. 

If you’re waiting to have every detail figured out before you take the leap, you’ll be waiting forever. Start with what you know and be willing to figure out the rest along the way. The road will teach you, as long as you’re willing to learn.

  1. Embrace the Power of the First Step

The first step is always the hardest, but it's also the most powerful. It doesn’t have to be grand or earth-shattering; it just has to be something. It could be as simple as researching countries with affordable living costs, learning a new skill that could become your new remote job, or booking that one-way ticket you've been dreaming about. For us, it was setting a date and putting it on the wall where we all would see it and anticipate it as it drew closer and closer. 

It’s about moving forward, even when the outcome isn’t guaranteed. It’s choosing to step into the unknown, trusting that each step will reveal the next. Moving ahead, even when you’re unsure provides three essential tools that will help keep you moving: 

  • Momentum: The moment you take that first step, something magical happens—you create momentum. Newton’s first law of motion states that an object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed, and in a straight line, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. The momentum you create by taking that first step breeds energy, enthusiasm, and a sense of purpose. You may not know exactly where you’re headed, but moving is better than standing still!

  • Clarity: The beauty of taking action is that it often leads to clarity. The path may be foggy at first, but with each step, the mist begins to clear. You start to see new opportunities, new directions, and new possibilities that weren’t visible from your starting point.

  • Confidence: That first step, along with every additional step you take, builds confidence. It’s a reminder that you are capable, resilient, and resourceful. Each small victory reinforces your belief in yourself and your ability to navigate whatever comes next.

When you take that first step, no matter how small, you’re sending a message to yourself: I’m doing this. And with that comes a shift in mindset. You’re no longer someone who’s just thinking about becoming a digital nomad—you’re someone who’s already on the journey.

  1. Trust the Journey

Becoming a digital nomad is as much about the inner journey as it is about the external one. Taking the first step without knowing what comes next isn’t just about bravery; it’s about trusting yourself, embracing uncertainty, and finding joy in the process, even when the path isn’t clear. When you trust the journey, focus on the present, and challenge your fears, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities, even when the future seems murky.

Travel has a way of stripping away the non-essentials, of showing you what really matters, and of teaching you that you’re capable of more than you ever imagined.

Your adventure begins the moment you decide to start. Taking that first step, even when you can't see the path ahead, is an act of bravery that opens doors to opportunities you never imagined. Consider where you could be six months from now if you start today. The journey might be uncertain, but with every step, you’ll gain clarity, confidence, and momentum. Growth happens when you push beyond your comfort zone, and the adventure of a lifetime awaits those who dare to leap.

So, what's stopping you from taking that first step? The world is waiting—let's talk about what’s holding you back, or share how you've taken a leap of faith before. Your journey might just inspire someone else to start theirs!


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